I wrote this list ten years ago as an imagination exercise because I am one of those people who thought it was wise to prepare for an apocalypse. It was originally part of the ‘How To Series – Helpful Hints For The End Of Days.’
Self-isolating is very similar to living like a hermit and, that being the case, I have a lot of experience. Behold the sacred text of ‘The Hermit’s Guide for Staying Creative with Cabin Fever.’
1. Keep it clean.
Take this unprecedented moment in history to change your surroundings. Open windows, burn a scent, sweep everything off desk tops like an over-eager lover then clean every single one before placing them back on a sparkling surface. (I take no responsibility for breakages.)
This is a foundation and there’s no excuse – you have time. While you are doing this, your brain will throw up notions of how you can be organized more efficiently. Listen. (Or don’t. If you thrive in mess then who am I to say.)

2. Separate your spaces
Make stations. If you don’t have the room for this then get storage containers or drawers out of a cupboard and make specific homes for each set of tools to live in while you are not milking them for their magical properties.
Even if this just consists of transforming an at home desk to a dinner table to a coffee and reading table, pack away your lappy and notebook then store them like they are precious. Go online and procrastinate for at least a whole day buying cool looking containers that match your personality and home décor. (With full permission to tell your inner critic that you were advised by a hermit. They are always smarty-pants. Or was it crazy pants…? Perhaps the two are not mutually exclusive.)

3. Stay regular
Keep a routine of some sort. This could be as simple as writing or drawing every day for half an hour, any time you want or at a set time. To as complex as a whole time table that you write out in graph form. If this tickles your fancy then spend another day drawing up a flow chart. Preferably in crayon or texta and then stick it on the wall. Yep, you could totally have it on your computer too or get onto Canva and go modern with laminated posters and laser cut MDF Hello Kitty home-painted chalk boards.

4. Mix It up
Get spicy. Do more than one project at once. That way when you get stuck on one flow you can switch to something else and let your sub-conscious do it’s problem solving thang. This is where separate stations or clear boxes are your alchemists gold.

We hope these help you spark creativity during these difficult times. Please follow on social media as we release part 2 of our tips. Stay home, stay safe <3